Sunday, June 14, 2015

First Zucchini

Zucchini, as of June 14, 2015
      It seems early to me, but I picked my first two zucchini yesterday!  We had one of them for dinner in a delicious casserole, so had the one remaining on the left. Today we picked the two golden zucchini and the nice green one on the right.  So in only two days into the picking season, we are near the point of overload. However, daughter Emily will be here on Tuesday, and she is a zucchini fixing and eating machine.  Even zucchini fritters for breakfast.  Yes, they are quite good.
      My previous posts tagged for zucchini are from the months of September and October.  It was unusual to have it that late, as bugs or mildew usually do it in. The newer bush zucchini are quite susceptible to squash borers eating out the main stem.  If you pile more dirt around the base of the plant they will often put out new roots and continue to grow. That is how I kept them late into the season.  They also grow so quickly that plants started before July 15th should produce a fall crop.


  1. That zucchini looks good, when did you set yours out in the garden?

    1. About the first of May. Would have been nice to have pictures!

  2. Wow, I'm amazed you already have zucchini! I don't even have edible peas yet. Thanks for stopping by my porch.
